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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2017 / Family News - 2017 June 14th / Voices from the Chapter (3)
Jun 14, 2017

Voices from the Chapter (3)

Elections and decisions of the General Chapter

Voices from the Chapter (3)

Celebrated from May 6 to 22 at San Bernardino (Paraguay), the XXVIIth General Chapter elected on 18 May 2017,

Rev. Fr. Eduardo Gustavo Agín scj, 14th Superior General
of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram

Fr. Jean-Dominique Delgue scj, Vicar General
Fr. Graziano Sala scj, General Bursar (re-elected)
Fr. Stervin Selvadass scj, Councillor for formation
Fr. Tobia Sosio scj, Councillor for the missionary cooperation (re-elected)

In conformity with article 190 of the Rule of Life, the new Superior General gathered his Council in order to choose who will do the job of General Secretary: this task is entrusted to Fr. Graziano Sala scj.


Decisions of the General Chapter

Pending the official publication of the Acts of the XXVII General Chapter in four languages ​​(French, Spanish English, Italian), for which it is obligatory to await the approval by the Holy See for some amendments to the Rule of Life, The Superior General indicates here the route drawn by the General Chapter for the next six years.

We have proposed the following priorities for the coming years:

  1. “Go out to drink at the same source”. By sharing with the laity: a charism, a vocation and a mission.
  2. “Go out to share”. By organizing ourselves better in the animation of communities and in material matters, to better serve and to share more with those who have less.
  3. “Go out to meet each person especially at the peripheries”. For prophecy to lead us to those who are most in need.
  4. “Go out to share the same joy”. What we live by being called. Without forgetting “the first love”. To serve the discernment of vocations.
  5. “Get out of ourselves to communicate”. The joy of our missionary life, in the truth and free from any self-referentiality.
  6. “Betharram: a spiritual heritage, a campus and a place of mission for the Congregation”. To live a renaissance starting from the Motherhouse, a place of mission and internationality.


Thus we have proposed to:

a. Prioritise the community in mission, against individualism.

b. Go out to meet vulnerable people, with the respect and love that Jesus and the Church demand.

c. We commit ourselves to promoting and advancing the cause of canonisation of Father Auguste Etchecopar.

d. With Pope Francis, go out to “take care of the Common Home”, integrating an ecological spirituality.

e. Support the mission on the way to the Church of Vietnam.

f. Ensure the future of our brothers in matters of retirement and health care.

g. Training: with the challenges and joys of the Formation Service over the past 20 years, driven by a renewed spirit of fidelity and interculturality.

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