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Jun 14, 2017

The first companions of Michael Garicoits

Didace Barbé, a born educator

The first companions of Michael Garicoits

How difficult the beginning of the 19th Century was in France after the Revolution! In every way… Didace Barbé – Didace Casenave-Barbé, to use his full name – was born in Beuste, in Béarn on the 15th July 1813. His father, Pierre, was a carpenter; his mother, Catherine, a housewife and labourer, was employed on a daily basis to suit the needs of the neighbours… The child was baptised on the day of his birth. Without doubt, the parents had a strong faith. However, they only married on 31st December 1818, after they already had four children; Didace, the third of the siblings, was almost six years old. And his father died in 1819…The elementary education of Didace was given to him by his godfather, Didace Arague, a primary school teacher. From the age of 9 years, the child became a teacher himself! That is to say, his uncle and godfather was keen to give a little sum of money so that he could help his mother to bring up his brother and sisters. At the same time, a retired priest at the presbytery taught him Latin.

At the age of 16, there he was at the little seminary of St Pé, which also trained a friend of Michael Garicoïts, Bertrand-Sévère Laurence (who would be the Bishop at the time of the Lourdes apparitions). During the first year, his family provided his food; a collection amongst the people of Beuste payed for his studies. Then an uncle paid in 220 francs a year, and Father Fourcade let him off with the rest. In three years, Didace finished his secondary studies ; he already taught the younger boys.

The superior wanted him to be a teacher-seminarian. He followed the Theology course, which Michael Garicoïts came to teach from Bétharram ; and the latter became his spiritual adviser! Naturally, Didace wanted to go to Bétharram; the favour was granted to him by Monsignor Lacroix after the presbyterial ordination on the 22nd September 1838. And, on the 22nd October 1842, he made his religious vows.

Straightaway, Michael Garicoïts earmarked Didace Barbé, a born educator, for teaching. Bétharram School, established in 1837, was in need of a Headmaster. Vincent Éliçabide, a lay-person, had left after two years: his financial demands exceeded Michael Garicoïts’ possibilities. He would be guillotined in 1840 after a triple murder. For a year, Jean Lacazette was the second Headmaster of Bétharram School ; considered weak, he was unable to make decisions… Fortunately, Didace Barbé arrived! Michael Garicoïts sent him to be trained at Dax: he obtained the diplomas that the law demanded. In the Autumn of 1840, all licences obtained, the school could even be opened up to boarders.

With the momentum of Father Didace Barbé, supported by his superior, Our Lady’s School grew: in 1840, upper primary classes began; in 1847, secondary education began; 1855 saw the school’s first students to take the Baccalaureat: three candidates, all three successful! The new Congregation threw itself into education: Orthez, Mauléon, Asson, Oloron ; and soon also Buenos Aires and Montevideo.

To affirm that Father Didace Barbé was a support for Father Garicoïts, is an understatement! In 1846, he was elected Counsellor; in 1851, he was made assistant to the superior, indeed chosen by him. Father Miéyaa was able to confirm this: the founder “dreamt of having him as his successor; and even while still living, would be prepared to stand aside for him.”In 1855, Father Auguste Etchécopar became the confident of Father Garicoïts when the Society of High Studies in Oloron was dissolved. But, already, on the 16th October 1854, the General Assembly of Priests of Bétharram had accepted to go to South America. Father Didace Barbé was appointed to head the team. Without a doubt, Michael Garicoïts would have liked to go: he was ready to when Father Barbé’s sister, a Daughter of the Cross, was saddened to see her brother go away… there were 8 companions embarking at Bayonne on 31st August 1856. They arrived in Buenos Aires on 4th November.

Not knowing the country or its language did not stop Father Barbé from speaking to the children: he became their catechist! On 19th March 1858, the feast of St Joseph whom he cherished in particular, he turned an old leather warehouse into an educational establishment: San José High School was born. A year later, to the day, he set up in a completely new venue. If they lacked textbooks, he created them with the help of his colleagues. Whenever diplomas were demanded, he and his colleagues were successful in their exams. As superior of the little community, he never prevented the missionary efforts of Fathers Guimon, Harbustan and others. On the contrary ! Already by the end of 1856, he had created a spiritual centre in Buenos Aires, in the church of San Juan. In 1861, another was created in Uruguay in Montevideo in the Church of the Basques, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. Here too, a high school was opened on 1st October 1867.His activity was limitless ; his dedication too. One would see him in chapel, in the dormitory, in the refectory, in class : everywhere ! Headmaster of the school and leader of the Community. Working and praying. A man of guidance for the younger and the older ones. But his ascetic life took its toll on his health. He had to go to class on crutches. One day, while dictating a lesson, he collapsed ; taken away unconscious to his room, he died there on 13th August 1869. Michael Garicoïts had already died six years beforehand.

Perhaps we do not pay enough attention to what binds the founder to this much loved disciple ? An abundant correspondence existed between them, it seems; only fragments have been conserved. According to Father Magendie, Father Barbé destroyed these letters which were too full of praise towards him.

Beñat Oyhénart scj

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