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Oct 14, 2016

The laity and the charism of Betharram

To the Fathers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Brothers

The laity and the charism of Betharram

Thirty years after having taken up the pastoral care of Montemurlo (Italy), the latter has just been given back to the Diocese of Pistoia. Lack of personnel, necessity of resizing our presence to assure a significant religious life... Such are the main motives leading to the decision of closing a community that, since 1980, proposed a pastoral life inspired by our spirituality to the parishioners and made our saint and his virtues better known.

Thirty-six years ago a dream was born when men of good will decided to stop at Montemurlo. One fine morning they buried the seed in the soil of our Region; it began to grow at once. Here is the story of this dream.

Thirty-six years ago: do you realize? Besides the times gone by, think of all those people whom you have known: there were births, people have grown up, have met and got married. Their children were born, you christened them. People were happy, were unhappy; some died and were reborn. Faith is often faced with painful moments. God seems to be silent, hidden, there is no reply. Do you remember the grain I have been talking about? Let’s go back to the beginning.

Mother Teresa used to call Jesus the “great absent” precisely because he is silent, hidden; God hides, but where? I think I have found out. When I was young I noticed with the passage of time that there was a little miracle. God was hiding in your eyes, your hands, your feet; he had come to take up residence in your “Here I am, Lord”, your “Yes” which St Michael said with courage. Thanks to your words and example I could enjoy the precious gift of the Faith: life like a path and our fate as pilgrims longing for the Beauty of God.

I understood that Life is a passion; it needs to be cultivated and cared for from beginning to end. I learned that Life is a community; we are destined to share the joys and sorrows, the thoughts, desires, expectations, difficulties and misunderstandings.

To my utter surprise I realised that Life is friendship; during these past years not only did I find priests sent to the service of our parish, but I also found friends.

I found out that following Jesus was the same as joy, because joy is what we receive when we open our hearts to Christ. St Michael whom you helped us to get to know has become part and parcel of our daily lives as a humble example and easy to follow. He is not just a saint but a friendly saint with a special place in the heart of each one of us. Our years spent here have become important for our lives; we have become a family. With the passage of time our Community has taken modal on yours and the strength of your charism and spirit of service also. We have grown up together; we are like a colour post card which God has placed in your hands and which you have completed successfully. When you came to our parishes you added a piece of that precious icon which was to become our Unity. Whole generations have grown up under the eyes of the Fathers who were ready to take us by the hand and lead us through all the stages of life.

Finally, I want to say a special thank you to four people who have helped me throughout my whole life: thank you Father Alessandro – the first “gift” of my childhood and has left me with wonderful memories; he helped me to meet Sister Anna, the joys of the chaplaincy and the long trips in the mountain. I was in CM2 the morning you came into our classroom saying “If you want to reach the Summit you must keep your eyes riveted on the Summit”. Thank you Father Pietro for his strength, his advice and his telling off when I needed it! Thank you because every word encouraged me to get ready for a God filled welcome. I also want to thank two friends: Father Maurizio who did so much for our parish and for the way he could be close to the youth for whom he always had a special place in his heart. Thank you for all that he gave us. I want to say thank you to Father Simon who was a sure spiritual guide and good friend. He helped us to persevere in difficult moments. He helped us in the special World Youth Days, the pilgrimage to St James of Compostella, New Years Day in Rome, retreats, music festivals etc. Thank you for being so close to the young people of your time! To each and every one I want to say thank you and promise you that I bear you in my heart and remember you full of joy. I entrust you to Our Lady asking her to accompany you on your mission and that she will keep alive your “Here I am”. I know that we shall be united in prayer and friendship.

Forward march! Straight ahead until we reach Heaven. Thank you for that wonderful dream!

Alessandra Corti

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