In memoriam...
Father José Mirande scj
Artiguelouve (France), 10 May 1936 - Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 17 October 2016
On the morning of 17th October, Father José Mirande returned to the Father’s house; to the Lord whom he so loved, near Jesus whom he saw so naturally in the person of the poor.
As a child of Béarn, he prepared himself for the priesthood in his country of origin. He did not hide the influence that Father Matéo had on him in his formation. Ordained priest in 1961, he did a pastoral year in Paris (1962). In 1963, the Congregation offered him the opportunity to come to Brazil. How much he loved our country! He immersed himself completely in our culture: the joy of the poor of our country was his joy, the struggle of the poor was his struggle; with them, he was trying to overcome the challenges. One can truly say that he nourished his faith by living it with the poor.
In 1967, after the first years lived in Belo Horizonte, he was entrusted with the responsibility of the parish of Our Lady of the “Belo Ramo” (Beautiful Branch) in Sao Paulo. Bishop Angelico, who had worked with him in the diocese, called him “my brother”; how many times have they helped each other for the sufferings of those who demand more justice!
As a man of coherence, the apostolic mission was not put in the second place of his religious consecration. On the contrary, he showed us that apostolic life is the very essence of our consecrated life. When requested by the Congregation, he returned to Belo Horizonte, and took responsibility for formation; this was in 1978.
He was Vice-Provincial, Coordinator of Latin American Communities, and General Councillor. And all this did not come without suffering...In 1994, he was in Brumadinho, near Belo Horizonte. It is then that he left Brazil; He went to India where he remained for 9 years. What respect for this culture, and what admiration for the profound spirituality of this people! He told me one day that he would have liked to go to India when he was younger, in order to go deeper into this culture.
After having returned to Brazil, he became aware of the fragility of his health. He went through his Calvary: 8 years of dialysis - suffering in the body but more in his heart that loved so much joyful contact with people... Since the time of Michael Garicoits, French Betharramites have always been present in Latin America; with him, their historical presence comes to an end..
Antonio Scarpa scj
Monday, October 17: One of the Betharramite “prophets”, Father José (a name he gave to himself in Portuguese), left this morning for the house of the Father. In the month of May, on the occasion of his last birthday, while celebrating his 80 years of age, our “Ze” pronounced one of his last prophecies: “I do not have much to say or to ask God! Simply I want to say thank you, since I am just about to leave”. To be honest, I broke into tears because that was not exactly the sort of prophecy we wanted to hear. Yet his way of speaking and the serenity that was reflected in his gaze made us perceive once again the mysticism present in his life and gave rise to the feelings that are still vivid in us.
In Belo Horizonte, he integrated himself very easily in the formation community, and together with Fr. Enrique Lasuén, delivered a powerful testimony of commitment, of availability and of service. Animated always by a deep wisdom, Father José unsettled us by his ability to see into the future, far beyond what our eyes could see.
During these last months, the sickness became more and more aggressive in this man who had a great sensitivity. Yet, until this morning of October, and a few minutes before passing away, he remained firm, conscious and fully alert. “Ze” has gone, leaving us all aware that Betharram requires men capable and detached from themselves. His place remains empty ... We pray that what he leaves in each of us can flourish; thanks to his testimony, to the pain that still lives in us and to the nostalgia that will seize us. I share the feeling he himself expressed a few days ago to me after seeing a football game: “Thank you for the company ... Have a good rest!” I thank you Jose! Thank you for your company! I wish a good rest to you too, dear prophet! | Glecimar Da Silva scj
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