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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2015 / Family News - November 14th, 2015 / Laity and the charism of Betharram
Nov 16, 2015

Laity and the charism of Betharram

Discernment on a common experience

Council of the Fraternité Me Voici & Fr Bacho scj

Like other lay Betharramites throughout the world the members of the fraternity Me Voici (French and Spanish Vicariate) drink at the same source as the religious of Betharram. During one of their recent group meetings we asked them to tell us briefly something about this source and what it does for them. This was not an easy exercise because each one had to keep his mind on his own story, his impressions and personal reflexions so as to reach a combined answer.

What does the Spirituality of St Michael do for you?

It gives me a fresh burst of energy, the answer to be given every time I say: “Here I am”.
For me it is rigour in goodness, the spirit of obedience, freedom in love.
It helps me to have an eye on Jesus, letting Him be fully present in me, and that I should live in Him.
It is an opening of the spirit helping me to be grateful for the love He has for everyone: “It has so pleased God to be loved”.
It is a love which is there in the depths of our humanity; there is no place unknown to the Father or the Son, whatever is human is close to Them.
St Michael knows how to convince me, to reassure me: “God has so loved me that He is happy to accept my love”; amazement and renewed joy fill my heart.
I am very aware of the “here and now” of the Incarnation; I try to be as fully present as possible to the present moment; to the person opposite or beside me; to the little chores to be performed without grumbling; to discerning the “why” or “wherefore” to be given.
I have received from Him the gift of love for those who have had enough of suffering.
A few years ago I discovered that I had to put love first and not fear. As our Saint is wont to say: “Are you afraid of God? Throw yourselves in his arms”!
“The saints know how to speak to our hearts”! Thank you.

How do you cope with it?

Every time I recite the Lord’s Prayer I am reminded of my links with the Betharramite family as I say “Thy will be done”:
It is like an obligation to be open to others to share the hope of Christ;
It is like an example to follow in its simplicity of patience, perseverance and goodness;
It is like a way of life: By sharing the joy of being sons and daughters of God with others; By seeking peace “so that in your heart united to the heart of the good master, everything should be calm and peaceful”; By acting:
“By the silence of our lives to stop the flow dragging us away from God.”
By listening, observing, reading the Word of God, and books by human authors.
By accepting my limits, my trust in God just like that of Abraham.

What are the links which exist between the lay members?

The brothers and sisters are not chosen but are a gift. We are invited to let ourselves be loved and transformed by them.
There is a great wealth in our differences: age, personal history, geography, and yet there is a closeness and affection which are real. There are the retreats, the July week-ends, festivities in Betharram, at St Michael’s in Pau which nourish our faith and our way of life.
There is the strength of our Charter if we take the trouble to read it!
The Council helps us to hold together, to take a long view of things, not to scatter.
I took life easy as part of the Fraternity, having a look when I felt like it; then things gradually got unblocked. Now I am well and truly part of the system!

...Between the laity and the Religious?

Now there is the whole hearted welcome, comfort with the religious, goodness; St Michael Garicoits – a school of goodness and kindness; appreciated, welcomed, listened to and not judged – all that helps us to make progress.
Between the religious and the laity: a shared lesson, the link between the spiritual (the Word of God, St Michael’s writings, Church History) and the realities of everyday life (married couples, loneliness, unemployment, the refugee crisis) respect of each of our reactions, all this enables us to be a mutual help and to see things more clearly in the complexity of situations in everyday life.
I like the moments when we can discuss a text, see how others are interpreting it and reacting to it. We help each other by the way in which we discuss our situations.
Discussion of a particular action and prayer strengthens the links between religious and laity.
In the international meetings the frontiers have been overcome; we found ourselves – men and women – on the same terrain, children of God, enriched by St Michael, overcoming our differences as we repeated “Here I am!”. The religious of the Sacred Heart share with us on their way through France or through the pages of the NEF, evangelisation “to the ends of the earth”.
Collaboration in administrative matters.
This year we were able to help at the Reception Notre Dame, to take part in the daily life of the Community (just like in any family), all that with moments of prayer in the oratory, discovery of the life of the religious, their prayer life and the different tasks to be performed at the Sanctuary, the Reception, always in the service of the mission.

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