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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2014 / Family News - 2014 April 14th / Narratio Fidei of Br. Angelo Sala scj
Apr 14, 2014

Narratio Fidei of Br. Angelo Sala scj

Superior of Bouar-St Michael Garicoits community in the Centralafrican Republic

Br. Angelo Sala scj

“God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life. For God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but that through him the world might be saved.” (John 3, 16-17)

“Does not the idea of creator imply the idea of father ? Creation is rather an act of love than an act of power and wi­sdom... Yes, God is our Father, and all that human fatherhood can offer in the way of gentleness and sweetness is only a pale image of the tenderness and amiability of our Father who is in heaven... “(MS)

“[Be happy] also at times of spiritual dryness, during pain and unhappiness whatever their causes and while being tempted; console yourself by looking with trust and love at the Heart of Jesus; just looking at him and not attempting to tackle these things head on. Keep even your desires for perfection moderate and calm so that everything in your heart united as it is with the heart of Our Lord may also be calm and peaceful...” (Corresp. letter 4)


“God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life. For God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but that through him the world might be saved.” (John 3, 16-17).

In the light of what I am going through in this country where I am living, I find this passage of the Gospel very pertinent which has been proposed to me for a narratio fidei.

As I live out my mission in a country where, because of the political upheaval, hatred, violence, and revenge reign supreme, I find these lines from St John’s Gospel essential in view of what I am trying to understand and what I am called to live as a religious. Right now I feel myself challenged to adopt a courageous position in the difficult situation in which I find myself by trying to give some meaning to what I believe in and which I am doing where I am.

In this new experience I feel that I am being called more than ever to be faithful to the ideal of the Gospel so as to have an ever deeper meeting with Christ. This is difficult to realise because of the short time available and because of the difficulty in entering into deep communion. My choice of life style includes a commitment to wanting what I must do each day. And what I must do, to do it in the spirit that Saint Michael had set down for himself, namely: be united to God in prayer as far as possible to obtain the source of all goodness and a huge share in his grace. Be full of zeal for my neighbour and for my community; be full of goodness for all; no harshness, with strength of soul and care in whatever I undertake and determination to carry it out.

To be faithful to such an ideal supposes courageous and daily confrontation with my community, with the laity and religious working with me at the Aids Centre.

The evangelist John helps me to reflect on the great love of God for mankind and for the world, to the extent that he gave up what was dearest to him, namely his only Son.

God has loved mankind from all eternity, and as part of humanity I have received this love and feel that I must share it with others.

I feel that in order to receive this huge gift of God’s love I cannot live without the One who has loved me first, I feel poor and need his mercy.

Fidelity to this great gift of love helps me to rediscover the meaning of life and never to grow weary of thanking God by listening to the Word and good works. It should be a love which helps me to love those I meet, do them good, and suffer with them.

If God loves the world from all eternity, he is always there beside mankind no matter what he is doing even if man is unaware of God’s existence for God’s love for mankind is boundless.

To be called upon to live out this ideal through my religious profession involves my entire being, especially if I am faithful not by necessity but freely and gratuitously.

It should be a faithful love, that is a love which does not shrink nor change but stems from a heart seeking the good of the people I meet each day in my mission.

It should be a creative love, generous in forgiveness, especially when it costs us; a love which must not be only in words, but by a life sacrificed for the person met, loved and respected so that that same person can enjoy the effects of this love.

This is transmitted through the person of Jesus Christ in his Incarnation, on Calvary and in the Eucharist. To receive and pass on this God given gift I must be freed of everything; it is only then that I am free to love and to do everything knowing that I am but a simple servant, aware that crosses are to be expected. And we, missionary brothers and priests, through our words and actions must preach the obligation to bear them with love. (DS)
On this road which is not easy to follow there will be many “potholes”. This requires a constant confrontation with myself, with the brothers and with all those whom I am called upon to collaborate with and in the presence of whom I am trying to bear witness to my choice of Betharramite religious life.

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