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Sessione 3
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Jul 28, 2018

O. L. of Betharram

O. L. of Betharram

"Beloved mother, make us strong like you, who as the first believer said "yes" to the proposal of the divine messenger, without worrying about yourself and the consequences of your gesture of tenderness. You took the same tenderness from Nazareth to Bethlehem with Joseph, and from Jerusalem to Calvary with your Son and then to the Upper Room with the apostles, witnesses of the resurrection.
Fruitful Mother, intercede for us so that all our apparent sterilities of today may become an opportunity to be more steadfast and trustful in our commitment in following Christ.
Always faithful to what the Shepherd of Ibarre wanted for us: to be religious and laity of Betharram. Available like you to serve the Church of the poor, of those who have no voice, of those who do not know your Son... Teach us to do so, readily, unreservedly, without turning back, and more out of love than for any other reason."

Fr. Gustavo Agín SCJ
General Superior

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