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You are here:Home / News / News 2024 / Very beautiful things happen in Barracas!
Argentina - Barracas, Apr 22, 2024

Very beautiful things happen in Barracas!

This is what Mgr. Jorge García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, said last March to the community of the Betharramite Parish, religious and lay, of Barracas (Argentina), when they met in the Basilica to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the beginning of the construction works of the historic buildings of the neighborhood, the eleventh anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis and the eighth anniversary of the "Duchas del Sagrado" (the showers of the Parish of the Sacred Heart), a social aid for homeless people and in different contexts of vulnerability.

Very beautiful things happen in Barracas!

In February the Parish wrote a simple letter to Pope Francis, thanking God for his life and his ministry. The letter said that he was expecting him in Argentina. Against all odds... Pope Francis responded!

He sent us a letter signed in his own hand and a Sacred Heart pennant with his signature. And the most beautiful thing about all this is that he addressed the entire Sacred Heart community and not a particular group. He wrote to everyone! In it he thanks for the letter that had been sent to him and urged him to continue cultivating God's style: closeness, compassion and tenderness. And to continue to be "Church-Field Hospital" for many brothers and sisters.

Everyone felt very happy with the significant gesture, to the point of starting an internal mission to read the letter, pray to it, meditate on it and celebrate the friendship of Pope Francis and what he commits us to as a Christian community. So in these weeks and until June the Parish will continue to visit the different places in the Barracas neighborhood to share the letter and the pennant, of which we have made copies to hang on every door and in every space.

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« June 2024 »
NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

You can read the NEF by going to the appropriate section of the portal, which also contains the archive of recent years.

Below you find the last three issues ...