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You are here:Home / News / News 2023 / Celebrations in honour of St. Mary of Jesus Crucified in Pau
France - Pau, May 31, 2023

Celebrations in honour of St. Mary of Jesus Crucified in Pau

On 19 and 20 May, the feast of the Transverberation of the heart of Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified was celebrated in Pau. It was presided over by Fr. William Maria Merchat (diocesan delegate of the Opera d'Oriente and professor at the Jean de la Croix institute, spirituality center of the Discalced Carmelite Province of Avignon-Aquitaine).

Celebrations in honour of St. Mary of Jesus Crucified in Pau

After Vespers, sung by the Little Choir of St. Michael Garicoïts, Fr. Merchat, a great expert in Mariam, gave a lecture on Saint Myriam.

The evening ended with a candlelit procession that gathered in front of the Hermitage of Our Lady of Mount Carmel where Mary of Jesus Crucified received the Transverberation, on May 24, 1868.

The following day, the solemn mass was presided over by Fr. Merchat in the Carmel chapel, in the presence of Fr. Laurent Bacho SCJ, Regional Vicar in France and Spain and rector of the sanctuaries of Betharram.

The celebration was attended by the religious of the Betharramite community of Pau: Fr. Hervé Kouamé SCJ, Superior, Fr. Firmin Bourguinat SCJ, bursar, Br. Jean-Claude Djiraud SCJ and Br. Fulgence N'Guetta SCJ, deacon at the community of Notre- Dame in Betharram.

The weather’s clemency made it possible to take advantage of a few rays of sunshine to share a fraternal meal, followed by games which allowed the children to learn about Myriam's life in the surroundings where she lived.

The day ended with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and, at 3 pm, the Rosary of Divine Mercy in the Carmel chapel.

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