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You are here:Home / News / News 2022 / The interregional novitiate of Bethlehem is named after St. Joseph
Holy Land - Bethlehem, Dec 27, 2022

The interregional novitiate of Bethlehem is named after St. Joseph

On December 23, 2022, the community of the long-awaited interregional novitiate in the Holy Land, during a celebration presided over by the Superior General, Fr. Gustavo Agín Scj, officially inaugurated the novitiate under the protection of St. Joseph.

The interregional novitiate of Bethlehem is named after St. Joseph

The photos show some moments of this celebration, prepared by the novices who participated with great joy and emotion.

The name of the novitiate was decided in a meeting of the novices and formators with the Superior General in which everyone had the opportunity to express their opinion. The name of "St. Joseph Interregional Novitiate" was chosen for the following reasons:

  • We are in Bethlehem, the city of David, where Joseph went to answer the Emperor Augustus' census, and since he was a descendant of David's family. Our house in Bethlehem, which is the house of the novitiate, was built right on the Hill of David.
  • Furthermore, through Joseph, a descendant of David, Jesus belongs to the Family of David.
  • St. Joseph learned to know and accept the Will of God which was revealed to him in the events and in his relationship with Mary, even if this would changed his plans without him knowing exactly where this would lead him. The novitiate is the time to learn to know, love and live this will of God.
  • St. Joseph was the formator of Jesus, with Mary, to make him a free, pious and responsible Jew.
  • He formed Jesus with his silence, with his right and discreet words and work, to such an extent that Jesus was known by all as "the carpenter's son" or simply "the carpenter". The novices will be guided in their formation by the silence, by the words of wisdom and by the example of the Novice Master and the other members of the formation community.

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