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P Andrea Antonini
You are here:Home / News / News 2022 / Indian Vicariate in Assembly
Bangalore - India, Oct 04, 2022

Indian Vicariate in Assembly

On the 19th of September all the members of the Indian vicariate gathered in Assembly. The Meeting began with the prayer led by the Deacons and with the lighting of the lamp as a sign of welcoming Christ in our midst.

Indian Vicariate in Assembly

Fr Thomas, Piarist father, gave a talk on SWOT Analysis to look into our Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. This was  followed by the address of our General Rev.Fr. Gustavo SCJ, who shared his reflections after his canonical visitation to our vicariate.

In the afternoon, in different groups we discussed some issues related to the theme of the General Chapter and to the previous talk.  Later that evening we have Eucharistic celebration Presided by Rev. Fr Enrico SCJ. This eucharist was a thanksgiving mass for the New Deacons and Birthday of Fr Vipin SCJ.

After the Mass the Community of Shobhana Shaakha wished the 3 newly ordained deacons and also wished Fr Vipin on his birthday with a cake cutting and felicitations and cultural program given by our younger brothers in philosophy and noviciate. The day ended with a fellowship meal.
On the20th Morning we began our gathering with the prayer led by the deacons and address of Fr Enrico SCJ on the norms of the election of the delegates and substitutes to the regional chapter.

In the presence and supervision of Rev Fr Gustavo SCJ Superior General the members elected one delegate from the superiors and 2 members from other religious and the substitutes.

After the election Fr Sathish SCJ presented an update on Simaluguri Mission.

The official meeting came to an end  with the holy eucharist presided by Rev Fr Gustavo SCJ.

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NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

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