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You are here:Home / News / News 2022 / Fr Gustavo meets the scj religious and the Companions
England - Olton Friary Parish, Nov 03, 2022

Fr Gustavo meets the scj religious and the Companions

October 25 - Fr. Gustavo's visit to the community of Olton was carried out in two stages. On Sunday, October 16, during the Sunday masses, after the proclamation of the Gospel, he shared some aspects of the Betharramite spirituality and thanked the parish community for the material and spiritual support offered to the SCJ fathers and brothers.

Fr Gustavo meets the scj religious and the Companions

After the spiritual retreat with all the religious of the Vicariate,  Fr. Gustavo returned to Olton on 24 and 25 October, and met all the members of the community and celebrated the Eucharist with the Companions, a group of lay people who meet regularly to pray and share some points of the Betharramite spirituality. On October 25, after the Eucharistic celebration, a social evening was organised by the Companions. On this occasion, Fr. Gustavo could meet personally the Companions from whom he also received a floral tribute. On this occasion, Fr. Gustavo thanked everybody for the warm welcome he received in the religious and parish communities of the Vicariate.

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