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You are here:Home / News / News 2022 / Fr Gustavo instituted acolytes Br Aurélien Kouamé SCJ and Br Solomon Bandama SCJ
France - Bétharram, Jul 28, 2022

Fr Gustavo instituted acolytes Br Aurélien Kouamé SCJ and Br Solomon Bandama SCJ

During the Eucharistic celebration on Sunday, July 24 at the Shrine of Notre-Dame in Betharram, Fr Gustavo Agín SCJ, Superior General, instituted acolytes of our brothers Aurélien Kouamé SCJ and Solomon Bandama SCJ.

Fr Gustavo instituted acolytes Br Aurélien Kouamé SCJ and Br Solomon Bandama SCJ

The celebration was attended by young religious who are part of the International Session and by the laity of the "Fraternité Me Voici".

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