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You are here:Home / News / News 2022 / Easter retreat
Ivory Coast - Adiapodoumé , Apr 27, 2022

Easter retreat

On the occasion of Holy Week, the community of the Adiopodoumé House of Formation made a one day spiritual retreat, to help the religious to better enter into the mystery of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Easter retreat

In fact, on Wednesday, April 13, Fr Jean-Jacques, of the Stigmatine community of Agboville, helped us to reflect on the following theme: “In the light of the Resurrection, we are men on a journey to build a fraternal, prayerful and missionary community”.

He encouraged  us to found our communion on the Resurrection of Christ, "He who makes our communion". Furthermore, he reminded us that fraternity is built up and not given to us a priori; everyone is invited to make their own contribution to build it up day by day, so that our building stands harmoniously and  joy reigns in the heart of our community, for "where there are religious, there is joy!" (Pope Francis).

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