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You are here:Home / News / News 2022 / Celebrations in honor of Saint Michael Garicoïts
France - Betharram and Ibarre, May 17, 2022

Celebrations in honor of Saint Michael Garicoïts

The solemnity of St. Michael Garicoïts, our Founder, was celebrated on Saturday 14 May in Betharram during a beautiful meeting with the laity of the Fraternity and with all those who collaborated in our mission, in particular the laity who came from Pibrac, from Pau. and from Betharram.

Celebrations in honor of Saint Michael Garicoïts

The day began with a guided tour of the sanctuaries followed by the solemn concelebration in the chapel of St. Michael Garicoïts presided over by Fr. Jean Luc Morin SCJ (Regional Superior). In his homily he underlined the peculiarity of this year dedicated to Fr Auguste Etchécopar, and he linked it to the departure for China, which took place 100 years ago in January 1922. The community of Betharram was happy to welcome the new community of the Apostolic Carmel of Pau with the Superior General, who came to visit the community. The convivial lunch took place in the premises of the College. For those who wished, it was possible to recite the rosary along the first six stations of the Via Crucis, which ended with a visit to the museum. Others were able to attend the showing of the film "The athlete with bare hands" which was a great success. The day ended with the prayer of Vespers.

On Sunday 15 May, 160 people reached Ibarre to celebrate St. Michael Garicoïts with whom we associated Fr Auguste Etchécopar and Fr Erdozaincy-Etchart SCJ. A pilgrimage took place to Garacoetchea (birthplace of St. Michael Garicoïts) covering five stages in the life of St. Michael Garicoïts. Then the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr Jean-Dominique Delgue SCJ, Vicar General, surrounded by Fr Joseph Ruspil SCJ and Fr Arsène Nota SCJ. The homily was delivered by Fr. Laurent Bacho SCJ (Regional Vicar in France and Spain). Fr Laurent recalled that Ibarre offers a lesson in humility and sobriety, as Pope Francis recommends in "Laudato Si’”, but it is also an appeal to fraternity, recalling the figure of St. Charles de Foucauld "universal brother" and an appeal to hope in these difficult times both for society and for the Church, but which are no more difficult than those experienced by our Founder.

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