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England - Nottingham, Oct 18, 2022

Canonical Visit to Nottingham betharramite community

On 14th of October 2022, Fr. Gustavo Agín SCJ, part of the canonical visitation of Nottingham SCJ community, joined the celebration of thanksgiving with the parishioners at Our Lady and St. Patrick's, Meadows Nottingham. The celebration began with welcome to Fr. Gustavo by the two young parishioners. The Principal celebrant was Fr. Gustavo and used the Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the celebration of the Holy Mass. At the end of the Mass, Fr. Gustavo addressed the congregation and in his words appreciated the parishioners for the welcome given to Betharram fathers and brothers in Nottingham. He invited them to be part of our mission by not only providing material assistance but also through spiritual enrichment especially through their own baptismal calling to uplift us as a Religious. The evening celebration was concluded with a buffet meal.

Canonical Visit to Nottingham betharramite community

On 15th of October 2022, Fr Gustavo Agín SCJ, Superior General, made the third day of the Canonical Visit to Nottingham SCJ community.

Part of the Visitation Fr Gustavo Agín was welcomed to Corpus Christi Parish at Clifton on Saturday by the Parish Pastoral council chair during the Vigil Mass.

Fr Enrico Frigerio SCJ Regional superior celebrated the Vigil Mass. Fr Biju SCJ and Br Gerard SCJ also joined from the Olton Community for the celebration. Fr Gustavo addressed the parish congregation after the post communion prayer by appreciating the parish community for the warmth and Love they have shown to Betharram Fathers and Brothers since 2018 when the new betharramite community was founded at Nottingham.

The evening celebration followed with sumptuous meal and music at BRW hall which added colours to the celebration.

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