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Italy - Rome, Apr 26, 2022

An evening with Fr Auguste Etchécopar

On April 21 at the residence of the community of Rome, Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli, a meeting was held to present the figure of Fr. Auguste Etchécopar.

An evening with Fr Auguste Etchécopar

The resource persons, who gave their contribution that evening, underlined the different aspects of Fr Etchécopar’ s life.

The first intervention was entrusted to the Superior General Fr Gustavo Agín SCJ, who outlined the traits of Fr Augusto’s personality and the important role he played within the Congregation.

Fr Ettore Capra, postulator of the cause of canonisation of Fr Etchécopar, updated the audience about the stage reached so far in the cause of canonisation of the person who is considered the "second founder" of the Congregation.

In his intervention, the journalist Roberto Beretta tried to show how Fr Etchecopar’s message is still relevant today. 

Finally, Fr Philippe Hourcade SCJ, who in recent years has approached this figure through the integral reading of the Letters, presented the essential points of Fr. Etchecopar's spirituality.

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