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You are here:Home / News / News 2021 / Vicariate Council with the Bursars of the Community in the Vicariate of France-Spain
France - Betharram, Feb 26, 2021

Vicariate Council with the Bursars of the Community in the Vicariate of France-Spain

On February 22, the day on which the Church celebrated the feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle, the community “Notre-Dame” of Betharram hosted the Vicariate Council along with the Bursars of the community.

Vicariate Council with the Bursars of the Community in the Vicariate of France-Spain

The Superiors of the communities of the Vicariate and their Bursars held a fraternal meeting and reflected on the past year and on the projects for the new year 2021.

This meeting allowed us to give thanks to God for the 85 years of Fr. Firmin Bourguinat SCJ, (7 February) and the 60 years of Fr. Jean-Luc Morin SCJ, Regional Superior (17 February).

May St. Michael Garicoits, our Father, intercede for us, so our "Here I am" may be more visible and brighter in this period of pandemic.

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NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

You can read the NEF by going to the appropriate section of the portal, which also contains the archive of recent years.

Below you find the last three issues ...