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France - Betharram, Mar 23, 2021


Yesterday, on March 22, Fr Gaston Hialé SCJ, of the community of “Maison Neuve”, Betharram (Vicariate of France-Spain), returned to the Father’s house. He was 93 years of age and 74 years of religious life.

Fr Gaston Hialé SCJ

Fr Laurent Bacho scj, Regional Vicar in France, writes:

“For 10 days he refused to eat and we know he wanted to leave, as he felt his life was over. For two years the conversation had been difficult, as if he lived in another world.

However, he had moments of clarity of mind. Last Sunday, at 6 pm, I went to see him and he spoke to me about "formation"; it was the word that would come after praying our Saints.

Yesterday afternoon at 5.30 pm he was less awake and his lips stammered with every "Ave Maria". He was repeating a word I couldn't understand. We keep the memory of a Betharramite who helped us live the "Here I am". Many have known him in the scholasticate; as for me, he was my  superior when I was a young seminarian from 1963 to 1968; then a year in Pibrac (1987-1988).

The day and time for the funeral will be soon finalised.

Now our gratitude goes up to the Lord and we entrust Fr Gaston to the Father rich in mercy and tenderness.


Fr Laurent Bacho scj"

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