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Sessione 3
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France - Nay, Feb 10, 2021

Day of Consecrated Life in Nay

February 2, the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the feast of Light and the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life was an opportunity for the religious communities of the “Plain of Nay” to gather together in the religious house of the community of the "Beatitudes", for a session of prayer and sharing.

Day of Consecrated Life in Nay

The religious present introduced themselves and then they prayed the Evening Prayer.

These are the communities present at this event: the “Beatitudes” of Nay, the “Daughters of the Cross” of Igon, the Betharramite religious, the “Assumptionist” Sisters and the community of St. John.

May the Light of Christ enlighten us and help us respond every day. "Here I am, without delay, without reserve, without turning back, for love" to fulfill God's Will.

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