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Gustavo India
You are here:Home / News / News 2021 / Unannounced but very welcomed guest
Italy - Albiate, Feb 15, 2021

Unannounced but very welcomed guest

The Archbishop of Milan gave a nice gift to the Albiate community. This is how Fr. Alessandro Paniga scj, Superior of the community, speaks of this unexpected but very welcome visit:

Unannounced but very welcomed guest

“Last night I concelebrated in the parish church on the occasion of the pastoral visit of Mgr Mario Delpini, Archbishop of the Diocese of Milan, to the pastoral parish community of Albiate.  After Holy Mass I spoke with him about our community. He asked me if we were planning to meet him in our community. I replied that his visit to our religious community was not part of the program. He seemed to me that he was feeling sorry about it. He therefore expressed his desire to come and visit us. He suggested a slightly unusual hour: 07.30 am, before going to the parish of Agliate (near Albiate). I was delighted at this act of kindness.  This morning (February 14) Mgr Delpini payed a visit to our community.  We prayed together and he gave us his blessing. After the usual group photograph he had a coffee with us. He asked us several questions about the community and our Congregation.

Finally, we greeted him warmly for his kindness towards us.

We were really pleased with his unannounced visit.”

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