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France-Spain - Vicariate, Aug 01, 2020

Vicariate Assembly of France-Spain at the end of the canonical visit

Betharram, 27 July - Fr Gustavo Agín scj, Superior General, began his canonical visitation in early July. It was, for him, a precious opportunity to meet the brothers and to share with them the life of the communities and the different missions they carry out in the Dioceses.

Vicariate Assembly of France-Spain at the end of the canonical visit

On the eve of the solemnity of Our Lady of Betharram, the religious of the Vicariate gathered around Fr. Gustavo for the Vicariate Assembly at the end of the canonical visit. On this occasion Fr Gustavo shared his impressions with the religious and gave some inputs for the continuation of  the journey of their Vicariate.

This was a fraternal and friendly event.

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