Perpetual profession of Br. Serge SCJ
On Sunday 11 October, in the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Pistoia, Br. Serge Pacôme Koffi Appaouh SCJ made his perpetual profession in the hands of Fr Gustavo Agín SCJ, Superior General.
The community of Pistoia participated in the solemn concelebration, presided over by the Superior General, with Fr. Jean-Dominique Delgue SCJ, Vicar General, Fr. Graziano Sala SCJ, Bursar and Secretary General, Fr. Piero Trameri SCJ, Regional Vicar in Italy and other Betharramite religious. Quite a few parishioners were present too. Even Br. Serge’s uncles, living in Bologna, did not miss this opportunity to be close to their dear nephew for this special occasion.
The group of “Betharramici” (young Betharramites) played an active role in the celebration.
A very special mention should be made of the Bishop of Pistoia, Mons. Fausto Tardelli, who made a point to be present at the celebration to show the closeness and attention of the local Church for an event involving both the Congregation and the whole Church.
In his homily Fr. Gustavo addressed these words to Bro. Serge: “You will be an obedient disciple, willing to serve, without conditions, without delay, without regrets, forever and out of love! Because where there is consecrated life, there is joy. And so you will always be happy, humbly sharing your experience of being happy and being part of Betharram."
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