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You are here:Home / News / News 2020 / In the footsteps of Fr. Auguste Etchecopar...
Betharram - Communication, Oct 10, 2020

In the footsteps of Fr. Auguste Etchecopar...

Fr. Jean-Dominique Delgue SCJ, Vicar General, has accompanied Mgr. Sandro Corradini and Fr. Ettore Capra, Postulator of the cause of the canonization of Fr. Etchecopar, in the footsteps of Fr. Auguste Etchécopar in Betharram, Ibarre and St-Palais between the 5th and the 8th of October.

In the footsteps of Fr. Auguste Etchecopar...
The purpose of this visit was to ascertain how the "Fama Sanctitatis" of the Servant of God is still alive today
Several people testified their devotion or their prayers to Father Etchecopar in the Sanctuaries of Betharram before an ecclesiastical tribunal, appointed by Mgr. Marc Aillet, Bishop of Bayonne.

All this testimony will then be handed in to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to continue the process of the canonization of Fr. Etchecopar. At this stage it is also important that the person of Fr. Etchecopar be known and be approached in prayer.

In 2021, the entire Congregation will be invited to live an “Etchecopar Year”, that is a year with events exploring the life of Fr. Etchecopar.

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