Beginning of novitiate
On July 6, the religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram and the Daughters of the Cross celebrated the 73rd anniversary of the canonization of their founders, Saint Michael Garicoïts and Saint Joan Elisabeth Bichier des Âges.
On this occasion, during the celebration of Vespers, Constant, Toussaint, Eric and Fabien entered the canonical year of novitiate, welcomed by their Master Fr. Gaspar Fernández Pérez SCJ and in the presence of the brothers of the community and lay people.
The community also celebrated the first anniversary of the priestly ordination of Fr. Habib Yelouwassi SCJ.
May the Lord grant everyone, through the intercession of our Father St. Michael Garicoïts, the joy of always responding: Here I am readily, unreservedly, irrevocably, for love.
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