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England - Droitwich, Jul 07, 2019

Centenary of the laying of the first stone of the church

Friday, June 28th. In a church packed with parishioners, the Betharramite community entrusted with the parish of Droitwich celebrated the solemnity of the Sacred Heart and the centenary of the laying of the first stone of the church.

Centenary of the laying of the first stone of the church

The concelebration was presided over by the Regional Superior, Fr. Enrico Frigerio SCJ, and the brothers and fathers of the Vicariate of England were also present, led by Fr. George Mathew SCJ, in charge of the parish and by Fr. Wilfred Pereppadan SCJ, Regional Vicar in England. The three choirs of the parish joined together for this celebration that begins a series of events that will lead in two years’ time to the celebration of the centenary of the consecration of the Church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus  and to Saint Catherine of Alexandria.

At the beginning of the celebration, a parishioner retraced the significant stages of the construction of the church, the role played by the benefactors, by the parishioners and by the Betharram community.

A convivial moment in the parish hall concluded the evening.

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