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Gustavo India
You are here:Home / News / News 2018 / Spiritual Retreat for Fa.La.Be.
Argentina - Adrogué, Dec 06, 2018

Spiritual Retreat for Fa.La.Be.

On November 23rd, 24th and 25th, Fa.La.Be (Family of Lay Betharramites) gathered for a few days of spiritual retreat in the community of Adrogué (Argentina).

Spiritual Retreat for Fa.La.Be.

The great issues present in the media were addressed to highlight positive and negative aspects of them.

Reference was made to the Gospel passage of the blind Bartimaeus, who lived on the streets, marginalized, ignored. Prompted by his presence, Jesus turns to him and heals his eyes and saves his life.

The presence of Jesus encourages us, puts us back on our feet, launches us into the world and calls us to evangelize. As Pope Francis says, Jesus asks us to approach our brother, to listen to him with our heart and to truly love him. St Michael asks us to prove the authenticity of our prayer by leading a true Christian lifestyle.

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