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France - Betharram, May 18, 2018

Echoes of the feast of St Michael... from France

On the 14th of May, on the solemnity of Saint Michael Garicoits, in Betharram, the community celebrated the 90 years of the blessing of the Chapel dedicated to Saint Michael Garicoits, which took place on May 14, 1928.

Echoes of the feast of St Michael... from France

The Morning Prayer and the celebration of the Eucharist brought together religious, laity, friends and a large delegation of the College "Beau Rameau" led by the Director, Mr. Romain and his deputy, Mr. Benoit.

At the end of the celebration, a fellowship meal was shared with the elderly religious.

The Vicariate Assembly followed. Finally, the Vicariate Council tackled various issues concerning finances, the building site planned for the month of August in Ivory Coast and some issues on vocation promotion.

May St. Michael intercede for all of us so that religious, laity and young Betharramites, children of St. Michael, we can always answer "here I am" in the various pastoral areas. Happy feast of St. Michael Garicoïts to you all!

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