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Holy Land - Bethlehem, Mar 21, 2018

A special visit

On Sunday 18 March the Betharramite community of Bethlehem welcomed the Apostolic Administrator of the Holy Land, Mgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa ofm.

A special visit

Mons. Pizzaballa, during the pastoral visit to all the parishes and religious communities residing on his diocese, wanted to reserve this date to visit our community.

Mons. Pizzaballa was therefore welcomed into the community by Fr. Pietro Felet scj (Regional Vicar for the Holy Land), Fr. Jean-Paul Kissi scj (Novice Master), Fr. Jose Kumar scj, from the novices Hyacinthe et Jean-Claude and from the Sisters: Sr. Licy and Sr. Fabyana.

The Apostolic Administrator was accompanied by his secretary, Fr. Joseph. After the introductions and the exchange of news, all sat around the table for a fraternal lunch, followed by some prayer in the chapel.

Finally, the distinguished guest took his leave from the community.

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