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You are here:Home / News / News 2017 / Listening to the brother in a Synod-style
XXVII General Chapter, May 14, 2017

Listening to the brother in a Synod-style

San Bernardino May 13 - The work of the General Chapter enters into the heart of the themes that we have chosen to give the precise indications for the coming six years.

Listening to the brother in a Synod-style

In the morning, the secretaries of the groups (by language) first reflected on May 12, presented a summary of what had emerged. After having listened, the Chapter members gave their point of view in making their propositions for the continuity of the work. Subsequently, the secretaries took the suggestions of the the Chapter to present a new synthesis.
In the afternoon a storm (tornado) caused serious damage around San Bernardino. Because of this, electricity power was cut.This has caused some discomfort, but it has not taken away the commitment and capability of the Chapter members  who have continued their work decisively.
Finally, the Chapter has chosen six themes and divided into six teams to define the proposals to be presented to the assembly to be approved.
At 4 pm Bishop Claudio visited the Chapter which honoured him with high tea.
At the candle light, then, the Eucharistic celebration presided over by P. Stervin Selvadass SCJ.
After the celebration of the Mass, the Chapter members solemnly celebrated the first vespers of the solemnity of our Father St Michael Garicoïts.

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