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You are here:Home / News / News 2017 / Feast of Our Lady of Betharram
France - Betharram, Aug 02, 2017

Feast of Our Lady of Betharram

On July 28, in the ancient shrine there was a festive atmosphere on the occasion of the solemnity of Our Lady of Betharram.

Feast of Our Lady of Betharram

The religious and the lay people were gathered at the "same source" around the new Superior General, Fr. Gustavo Agín SCJ, his council, and the religious celebrating the anniversaries of profession and priestly ordination.

The agenda of the day was quite full: at 8.30 am morning prayer with the religious of the "Maison Neuve" community, followed by a meeting of the Superior General with all the religious who had come to Betharram for this occasion. At 10,30 am Fr. Gustavo presided over the solemn concelebration at the Betharram Sanctuary.

A fraternal lunch concluded this first part of the day.

In the afternoon, Fr Gustavo and the members of the Council had a meeting with the lay associates. The vespers celebration crowned this eventful and joyful day.

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