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Gustavo India
You are here:Home / News / News 2016 / Visit of the Nuncio to our Bouar communities.
Central African Republic - Bouar, Mar 31, 2016

Visit of the Nuncio to our Bouar communities.

Tuesday, 23 and 24 March - Mgr. Franco Coppola, Apostolic Nuncio in the Central African Republic and Chad paid a visit to the religious communities present in the city of Bouar, including the betharramite communities of Saint Michael and Our Lady of Fatima.

Visit of the Nuncio to our Bouar communities.

Tuesday afternoon, the Nuncio took the opportunity to speak with Br. Angelo Sala scj, superior of the St. Michael community and religious-in-charge of the Centre for the treatment and prevention of AIDS disease, along with Fr. Mario Zappa, Br. Gilbert Coulibaly, Br. Armel Daly and young brothers in formation.

Wednesday morning the Nuncio presided over the solemn celebration for the Chrism Mass, in the Bouar cathedral, surrounded by all the priests of the diocese.

The lunch followed.  In the afternoon the Nuncio visited the parishes including the parish Our Lady of Fatima where he was welcomed Fr. Beniamino Gusmeroli scj and Fr. Arsene Noba scj.

During his homily, the Nuncio expressed "his pleasure and joy in seeing that the Diocese of Bouar is very active and is fully committed in the pastoral ministry thanks to the presence and work of religious men and women who, in their daily work, reflect the words of the Gospel."

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