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Paraguay - Lambaré, Jul 28, 2015

Meeting of the Superiors of communities of the Region Fr Auguste Etchecopar

On July 20 – 22, the Superiors of the different communities of the three vicariates of the Region Fr Auguste Etchecopar met at Lambaré, Asunción (Paraguay), for sharing new insights about the role of the Superior.

Meeting of the Superiors of communities of the Region Fr Auguste Etchecopar

During the meeting,  the Superiors were guided by Msgr. Pedro Jubinville, Bishop of the Diocese of San Pedro (Paraguay). The theme was "How we live the vows”.  The religious shared about their positive and negative experiences concerning the vows of chastity and poverty and how they affect the community life day by day. They also discussed about the community experiences and how they strengthen and boost the sharing in the community

On July 22,  the meetings were guided by Fathers Mauro, Angel, Daniel and Gustavo:  strong and weak aspects of the different communities were taken into consideration in order to outline the road ahead for Superiors and those in charge of a community in the Region.

The meeting ended with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Regional Superior, Fr Gustavo Agin SCJ and concelebrated by 20 priests, including the Emeritus Betharramite Bishop Msgr. Ignacio Gogorza SCJ.

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