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You are here:Home / News / News 2015 / Fr Stervin is the new Superior in the formation house in Mangalore
India - Mangalore, Jul 18, 2015

Fr Stervin is the new Superior in the formation house in Mangalore

Mangalore, July 03: Rev. Fr. Stervin Fernando scj, formally assumed charge as the new Superior of Betharram Seminary at Mary Hill on a Solemn Eucharistic celebration of the Feast of St. Thomas at the Seminary chapel on Friday evening. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rev. Fr. Biju Alappat scj, the Vicar Superior and concelebrated by the new community priests.

Fr Stervin is the new Superior in the formation house in Mangalore

Rev. Fr. Stervin Fernando made his Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity during the Eucharistic celebration as a part of the installation of his office. The aspirants of this new academic year 2015-2016 were also officially welcomed by the Vicar. The day was blessed with the presence of our Betharram associates, friends and acquaintances.

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