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You are here:Home / News / News 2015 / Assembly of the Vicariate of Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Yamoussoukro, Apr 22, 2015

Assembly of the Vicariate of Ivory Coast

From 6 to 8 April, the Vicariate of Ivory Coast held an Assembly in the community of Yamoussoukro, in the shadow of the Basilica dedicated to Our Lady of Peace.

Assembly of the Vicariate of Ivory Coast

The Communities of Adiapodoume and of Dabakala reached the venue in the evening of Monday, April 6. After an exchange of greetings, Vespers and dinner  followed.
April 7, the Assembly started working, following this schedule: faith sharing (“narratio fidei”), sharing of information on the life of the different communities,  work done by the  committees (vocations, economy and legal issues, communication), sharing of reflections starting from a questionnaire sent to each community in advance in order to evaluate together the procedures in view of the perpetual profession, priestly ordination and other issues concerning  the daily life of the Vicariate. At the end of the Assembly, all the members were informed about the program of the regional meetings scheduled in May in the Central African Republic and in Bethlehem. In the evening of April 7, the Assembly met with the Parish Council of the Parish of St. Felix and with the Fraternity Me Voici "MYE".

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