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P Andrea Antonini
You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / The entry to postulancy of 6 students in Bangalore
India - Bangalore, Jul 16, 2014

The entry to postulancy of 6 students in Bangalore

June 27 - On the feast of Sacred Heart, the community of Shobhana Shaakha rejoiced by witnessing the entry to postulancy of 6 students.

The entry to postulancy of 6 students in Bangalore

The community celebrated this event in a very special way. It was also the event of priest gathering. All the brother priests who are working in the archdioceses, came together to be the part of this event and planned for next meeting which will be on july 11th at Shobhana Shaakha. Since it was the feast of the Betharram Congregation some sports event were organized: volley ball match between priests and brothers.
In the evening they had a meaningful celebration of the Holy Eucharist in which the students entered into postulancy. After that they  had a fellowship meal.

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