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You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Beginning of the novitiate in the community of Bangalore...
India - Bangalore, Sep 27, 2014

Beginning of the novitiate in the community of Bangalore...

On August 3, after a long and tiring process for the visa delivery, the two Thai novices, James Thanit and Peter Ravee, finally managed to arrive in Bangalore along with Fr John Chan SCJ.

(From left to right) Br. Joshua Anton, Br. James Thanit, Br. Peter Ravee, Br. Akhil Joseph and Br. Rajendra Kumar

They immediately joined their Indian brothers who were eagerly waiting for them. This year, the group of novices will be composed of the two Thai novices and three other Indian young people: Rajendra Kumar (from Andhra Pradesh), Joshua Antony (from Tamil Nadu) and Akhil Joseph (from Kerala).
During the five weeks they spent together for acclimation, they managed to create a climate of mutual help, especially with regard to the study of English.
From September 2 to 6, a five-day retreat was led by Fr John Chan scj, Master of Novices, in order to prepare them for the beginning of the novitiate. During the spiritual exercises, Fr Chan helped these young people understand the meaning of the novitiate in the scj Congregation and accompanied them individually.
On 14 September, feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, during the Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr Biju Alappat scj, Regional Vicar, the five young people officially started the novitiate in the presence of the whole community of Shobhana Shaakha.
We entrust our brothers to your prayers. May they become more and more imbued with the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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