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Gustavo India
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Holy Land - Bethlehem, Oct 23, 2014

News from Bethlehem community

After the changes made in the Vicariate of the Holy Land (two communities have been established: the community of Bethlehem and the community of Nazareth), Fr Henri Lamasse, Superior of the community of Bethlehem, wrote in to give some news about the life of his community. 

Fr Luigi Speziale scj

"Here's some news about the four religious who make up the community of Bethlehem. Fr Luigi Speziale has been admitted  into a nursing home for sick and elderly religious run by the Franciscans who welcomed him like a brother. This nursing home is very well organized:  a nurse always on duty and a doctor calling  at least once a week. Fr Luigi is familiar with all the members of the community. The house is near the Patriarchate and from the terrace of the second floor one can enjoy a superb view over Jerusalem.
The other three members of the community are: Fr Pietro Felet, Fr Henri Lamasse and Br Severino Urbani. Fr Pietro Felet is the Secretary to the Bishops’ Conference of the Middle East in Jerusalem; the last meeting of the Conference was held in Dubai and Fr Pietro returned full of admiration  for the vitality of the Christians of that city! Fr Henri Lamasse ensures the Chaplaincy of the Carmel and helps 4 Carmelite to improve their French: one from Chile, one from Italy  and two from Ecuador. Brother Severino is taking care of the land surrounding the house, looking after the flower beds and the fruit trees; in the house he is  decorating  the corridors with panels and carefully selected pictures; adding to that his availability for odd jobs in the house is appreciated.
Can we hope that one day the French-speaking novitiate will return to Bethlehem? The house is big enough to accomodate the novices. The whole community is willing to share with  them a fraternal life enlightened by the light rising from the land of Jesus. "

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