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You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Mons Marc Aillet pays a visit the the Betharramites in Rome
Italy - Rome, Feb 28, 2014

Mons Marc Aillet pays a visit the the Betharramites in Rome

On February 18, memorial of Saint Bernadette, Mons Marc Aillet, Bishop od the Diocese of Bayonne, along with three of his priests and 18 seminarians, paid a visit to the Religious of Betharram in Rome.

Mons Marc Aillet pays a visit the the Betharramites in Rome

Mons Aillet, who is leading a pilgrimage on the tombs of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, presided over the Eucharistic Celebration at 7 pm in the Church Santa Maria dei Miracoli. In the homily he outlined the figure of saint Michael Garicoits: a dedicated parish priest of the Bayonne Diocese, Founder of the Betharram Congregation and one of the first supporters of the authenticity of the apparitions of Our Lady to saint Bernadette at Lourdes.
The evening went on with a buffet dinner offered by the General Council in honor of Mons Aillet and his seminarians and came to a end with the singing of Salve Regina on front of the statue of Our Lady of Betharram in the small cloister adjacent to the church.

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