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You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Ministry to the bereaved
France - Pau, Feb 10, 2014

Ministry to the bereaved

On January 6, in the parish of the Holy Family in Pau, the group in charge of the ministry to the bereaved organized a convivial gathering for all those who have lost a loved one and for the members of the group.

Ministry to the bereaved

The gathering was attended by 30 people and everyone brought something to eat and to share. It was a precious opportunity of meeting new people and sharing experience.
After lunch, each member introduced him/herself and shared the painful moment you go through when you lose a loved one. Speaking about the loss and sharing the pain with people who are also living the same suffering, helps carry on in life. 
Then the community of St. Michael presented the mission of the Betharram Fathers ,especially in India with their culture and their way of praying. The group enjoyed praying in a different way, in unity with our brothers and sisters in India. This way of praying, with action, breath, dance and music, helps go deep into oneself and experience the Lord.

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