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Gustavo India
You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Lenten Retreat for the Betharramite Lay Association “NE ME” in Adiapodoumé
Ivory Coast - Adiapodoumé, Apr 13, 2014

Lenten Retreat for the Betharramite Lay Association “NE ME” in Adiapodoumé

Saturday, March 29th, the fraternity of the lay Betharramite associates (Ne ME) of Adiapodoumé held its traditional Lenten retreat.

Lenten Retreat for the Betharramite Lay Association “NE ME” in Adiapodoumé

The theme was the one proposed by Pope Francis in his Message for Lent, namely: "He became poor so that you should become rich through his poverty" (2 Cor 8:9).
Fr Sylvain gave a talk and he invited the members of the fraternity NeMe to take advantage of this precious time that the Church offers in order to give things their real value and to go to what really matters. This is what conversion of heart is all about, and it must be made visible through our witness. He also urged the lay associates to give the due importance to the asceticism and the spiritual battle, to express their love and increase the fervor in prayer. Prayer and asceticism are the best weapons for Christians.
Then followed a period of personal meditation, adoration before of the Blessed Sacrament and the Eucharistic Celebration
The morning ended with a moment of conviviality in the dining room of the community.

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Nef is edited by the General Council.

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