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You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Br Davi Lara scj ordained a priest
Brazil - Paulinia, Aug 18, 2014

Br Davi Lara scj ordained a priest

Paulinia August 16, 2014 - In a solemn ceremony held in the Parish “Our Lady of the Beautiful Branch” at Paulinia (Brazil) Br Davi da Silva Lara SCJ was ordained a priest.

Fr Davi Lara da Silva scj

The celebration was presided by the Auxiliary Bishop of Belo Horizonte, Dom João Justino. Among the concelebrants there were the Regional Superior, Fr Gustavo Agin SCJ and the Regional Vicar for Brazil, Fr Mauro Ulrich de Oliveira SCJ.
Many Betharramite religious made a point  to be present at such an important event for the life of the Vicariate of Brazil and the Vicariate of France and Spain. In fact, Fr Davi has already spent a few months in the community of Mendelu (Spain) as a deacon and soon he will be back at Mendelu as a priest to continue his mission with the community in the parish entrusted to us.
To Fr Davi Lara our best wishes for his ministry!

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