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You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Assembly of the Vicariate of Italy
Italy - Vicariate, Dec 06, 2014

Assembly of the Vicariate of Italy

Wednesday, November 26, about thirty Italian religious held the Vicariate Assembly at the betharramite residence of Albiate, guided by the Regional Superior, Fr Jean Luc Morin SCJ and the Regional Vicar for Italy, Fr Aldo Nespoli SCJ.

Assembly of the Vicariate of Italy

The Assembly of the Vicariate, began at 9.30 am. The Superiors introduced the members of their respective communities following a questionnaire to show the "health" of their prayer life and community life, as well as their community and apostolic project.  After this "Tour of Italy", the Regional Superior urged every religious to feed their "dreams" about the Vicariate starting from their resources, their challenges and their weaknesses.

Then every religious had the opportunity to freely express their "dreams" about the future of the Vicariate. The lunch break was for all an experience of genuine brotherhood. In the afternoon, the religious continued to look to the future with hope and again they expressed their wishes to ensure that the Vicariate can launch itself into the future.

At the conclusion of the Assembly there took place the presentation of upcoming events promoted by the coordination team Bethagorà to animate the Vicariate with conferences, days of fraternity and  Betharramite publications.

The Assembly ended at 4 pm.

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