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You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Assembly of the Vicariate of Brazil with Fr Gustavo Agin scj, Regional Superior
Brazil - Belo Horizonte, Sep 16, 2014

Assembly of the Vicariate of Brazil with Fr Gustavo Agin scj, Regional Superior

On September 12, at Igarapé (near Belo Horizonte), in the Retreat House St Vincenzo de’ Paoli run by the Brothers of Mercy, was held the meeting of the Vicariate of Brazil at the conclusion of the visitation of Fr Gustavo Agin scj, regional superior of the Region "Fr Auguste Etchecopar."

Assembly of the Vicariate of Brazil with Fr Gustavo Agin scj, Regional Superior

It was a time of fellowship. The reflection was focused on the decisions – taken by the last Regional Chapter - to be implemented by the region over the next three years. Then the discussion moved on to the activity which is being carried out by the team in charge of vocation promotion; the tenor of the debate showed how much each one is anxious about this issue.
Fr Gustavo had the opportunity to speak to the group: first of all he thanked God for the time of grace that the Vicariate is experiencing, thanks to the ordinations of quite a few young people. He then shared with all the religious some worries concerning the whole region.
Finally, at the end of the meeting, during the celebration of the Eucharist, our brothers Alcides Riveros (Vicariate of Paraguay) and Juan Pablo García (Vicariate of Argentina) were instituted acolytes.

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