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Italy - Rome, Apr 16, 2013

Italy - Rome

On April 5-7, the community of Our Lady of the Miracles in Rome organized a second meeting for the Lay Association of young Betharramites, "Betharramici." The purpose of this meeting was to prepare the World Youth Day in Rio and the 150th anniversary of the death of St. Michael Garicoïts.

Italy -  Rome
The motto of the WYD, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations!", was also the catch phrase expressing the message that was announced in evangelizing the people on the Piazza del Popolo.
On Saturday afternoon (April 6), after a prayer session, the young betharramites, while offering “free hugs” invited people to come to the church where the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was going on, led by the group “Friends of Jesus, Mary and Joseph”.
The initiative was a success thanks also too the mild springtime weather that attracted scores of people to the one of the most important squares of Rome.
The young “Betharramici” were very pleased to meet so many people and gently lead them into the church. Several were admittedly entering a church for the first time after many many years and rediscovering the value of prayer and of the personal encounter with the Lord.
Another key moment was the speech given by Pope Francis during the “Regina Coeli” in Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday, April 7: he invited the people present to strengthen the faith in the Risen Lord and to proclaim to all the Good News ... This was exactly the experience the young people had made the previous day in Piazza del Popolo!
This is the reaction of a young witness: “This experience was unique: the atmosphere was filled with love, harmony, peace and joy. We felt peace within ourselves and in communion with God and others. Our hearts were burning with passion for Him. We lived overwhelming but grace-filled days. We all look forward to the next meeting to enjoy once again being together in this journey of faith towards God surrendering totally to Him. Faith and surrender are the strength to bring the Gospel into our daily life”.

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