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France - Pibrac, Mar 25, 2013

France - Pibrac

On March 16th the Multipurpose Room of Pibrac hosted the “Tsanfetho’s Friends” . To brighten up the meeting, a group of Basque dance "Iguzki Loreak" from Colomiers, was invited.

France - Pibrac
With regard to the information, at first Mr. DAYDE, a professor at ESAP (Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture of Purpan - Toulouse), read out a report of his visit in early December to Tsanfetho when he was accompanied by the ESAP Director. They had participated in the inauguration of the food production unity recently activated. They checked the functioning of the "Educational farm" and they pointed out the needs,  in particular that of a director of cattle breeding. They favoured the project to install, at the. 50th km, an electrical generator that will provide  a minimum comfort to workers while ensuring a proper functioning of poultry houses and a hydraulic pump. The ESAP is planning  to contribute to this project, in particular by involving the Rotary of Toulouse.
Later on, Bernadette and Xavier Laborde made a comprehensive power point presentation of Tsanfetho, after their two-week long visit, showing the good atmosphere of the group of 49 students, the quality of work and the cleanliness of the premises. They shared their surprise to find a training center larger than they could imagine. They did not hide the joy for sharing the community life in the formation house of Betharram.
During the interval, all were invited to taste the  Basque cake and cider.

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