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You are here:Home / News / News 2013 / Bros George Antony, Yesudas, Jesuraj and Rojo Thomas ordained deacons
India - Mangalore, Jun 22, 2013

Bros George Antony, Yesudas, Jesuraj and Rojo Thomas ordained deacons

On June 13, Bros George Antony, Yesudas, Jesuraj and Rojo Thomas were ordained deacons in Mangalore by the laying on of hands of Most Rev Dr Varghese Chakkalakkal, Bishop of Calicut.

ordination to the diaconate

On June 13, Bros George Antony, Yesudas, Jesuraj and Rojo Thomas were ordained deacons in Mangalore by the laying on of hands of Most Rev Dr Varghese Chakkalakkal, Bishop of Calicut.
In this Jubilee year in honour of Saint Michael, this graceful event is one more sign that the charism of Saint Michael Garicoits is alive in India thanks to the witness given by our young brothers and to the dedication of our formators.
Let us be grateful to all those who support our mission in India through their prayer and generosity.

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