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Central African Republic - Bouar, Mar 29, 2012

Central African Republic - Bouar

On March  20-21, the communities in the Central African Republic met for  their Lenten retreat in the Convent of the Poor Clares at Bouar.

Central African Republic - Bouar
The resource person was a Polish Capuhin, Fr Piotr Michalik of the community of St Laurent, Bouar. He gave a talk on
the meaning of the examination of conscience. The religious spent the full day of Tuesday in silence and personal reflection;  they joined the Poor Clares for the midday prayer, lunch and evening prayer.
On Wednesday, Fr Tiziano Pozzi, the Vicariate Superior, took the floor and shared a reflection on the religious lifestyle, according to the spirituality of Saint Michael and the Holy Scripture. He submitted a few questions and gave some points for the sharing that followed. The Eucharistic Celebration in the Poor Clares’ chapel and a fraternal meal in the Our Lady of Fatima community ended the retreat.

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