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Paraguay - Lambaré, Jul 20, 2012

Paraguay - Lambaré

From July 16 to 19 the Religious of the Father Auguste Etchecopar Region gathered in Lambaré, Paraguay, for the ELAB (gathering of Betharramites in Latin America). Fr Gaspar Fernandez, the Superior General, and Fr Graziano Sala, secretary-bursar general, are also present.

Paraguay - Lambaré
Tuesday morning, July 17, the Religious from Brazil (VIBRA), Paraguay (VIPAR) and Argentina-Uruguay (VIARUR) made the presentation of their respective Vicariates, with their strengths and weaknesses. In the afternoon, the meeting was enriched by the reflections of Fr José Henrique Cristiano Mathos, who spoke of dreams and challenges of consecrated life. He was born in Holland and now he is a Brazilian citizen; he belongs to the Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy.
During the meeting, the Betharramites were urged to feed their passion for the person of Jesus who must be the supreme law and foundation of our lives. Fascinated by Him we are called to make Him present, through our life and witness. In fact, in Him we are beloved children of God.
The day ended with the Holy Eucharist presided over by Father Javier Irala, Vicar of Paraguay.

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