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France - Pibrac, Oct 18, 2012

France - Pibrac

On 30 September, both the parishes of Pibrac and Brax inaugurated the pastoral year. Several events were celebrated on this day. First of all, the parish welcomed the new Parish Priest, Fr Jean-Marie Ruspil scj, who returned this year from the Ivory Coast (Yamoussoukro).

France - Pibrac
A three-fold anniversary of Fr Dominique Etcheverria, scj  - new member of the community - was also celebrated: 80 years of age, 60 years of religious profession and 50 years of priesthood.
The celebration prepared by the team of pastoral animation (EAP) was presided over by the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Toulouse, Fr  Gérard Delom, who came to install in office  Fr Jean-Marie as a Parish Priest. At the beginning of the celebration, after Fr Jean-Dominique Delgue (Regional Vicar for France and Spain) had read the letter of appointment, Fr Jean-Marie received from the hands of the Mayors of Pibrac and Brax, the keys of the two churches (St. Mary Magdalene and St. Orens Pibrac Brax).
Then Fr Jean-Dominique expressed his best wishes to the three-fold jubilarian, Fr Dominique, and  briefly outlined his itinerary in the Betharramite Congregation.
But the most important moments of the installation of Fr Jean-Marie were the proclamation of the Gospel by the new Parish Priest and his profession of faith after the homily, given by the Vicar General. Fr Gerard reiterated the importance of faith in the pastoral ministry and the close link with all the activities of the diocese that must be safeguarded.
After the Holy Mass, celebrated in the Basilica of St. Germaine and an aperitif offered by the parish, a community meal followed in the gardens of the presbytery.
In this festive day, Fr Jean-Marie was also surrounded by the affection of his family members, by the presence of the faithful of the deanery and by the little choir of the Cathedral of Toulouse.

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